

Page history last edited by Manon van Herwijnen 10 years, 6 months ago

This is how CartoonMovement works

  1. Students in the Lot Children's Rights Learning Circles created ideas for a cartoon.
  2. Students uploaded their ideas/drawing/cartoons in the wiki (challenge 1) and a selection in Lots newsroom (not available anymore)
  3. 270 Cartoonists from all over the world saw the ideas from our students and created a cartoon based upon students ideas (link to Cartoonmovement)
  4. At the end of the project all students  
  5. Lot's Foundation owns the copyrights of the 4 winning cartoons. All participating schools are allowed to use these cartoons. All other individuals or organisations need permission to publish.
  6. The link to these cartoons in HD.



student's idea (noorie2720)


A Cartoonist's response:


And the final cartoon, on which students can vote at the end of the project (for more see Lot's Newsroom --> not available anymore)


Original Student's Cartoon:  Cartoonist's Response:  



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