On Monday morning March 3rd you can find the first challenge in the Wiki.
Every group has 3 weeks, until March 28th (due to holidays),
to add their contributions on their school challenge page.
Please try to be as creative as possible with texts, videos, photos or Social Media!
You can also add an extra effect by using the Cool Tools Wiki.
Remember that all Wiki pages are visible to everyone.
Take a good look with your group at the contributions of the other groups.
The right to good food, clean water & health care
Lot wonders ....
Why do many children have so little to eat compared to others?
If Lot herself is in for a treat, she just walks to the fridge ....
Lot believes that every child has the right to healthy food and clean drinking water.
Yet, that's not the case everywhere!
How is it still possible that children in some countries grow up in such poor conditions?
There is enough for everyone, why can our food and fresh water not be distributed and shared fairly?
What could be the story behind this cartoon?
Topic 1
There is a saying that goes, "A picture says more than a thousand words."
Sometimes there are difficult situations in the world you can write many pages about .... the question is whether they are read and if the message gets across.
In newspapers and magazines cartoons are often used to make a malpractice more clear.
We ask you to make a cartoon that shows that the 'right to food and water and good health care' is not always obvious in your area.
Step 1: We ask you to draw a cartoon that expresses the right to food, water and good health care is not always obvious. Even in your own country, some people might live in poverty. They are, for instance, depending on the food bank to get their food.
Step 2: Choose a few drawings with your group that will be uploaded on the website Cartoonmovement.
Step 3: Also share a selection of your drawings on your school challenge page in the wiki and ask if the students of other schools in your Learning Circle can give some comments. In this way you create your own 'newsroom'.
On this page in the wiki you can also share with us the official children's rights that are associated with survival (good food and clean water) and health.
Topic 2
The students of 'The Prisma' School in Arnhem, Netherlands, made a film during the Lot 2013 Pilot to show how easily you can get medical attention in The Netherlands.
Visiting a doctor or dentist costs a lot of money. In some countries, everyone is well insured with a free basic health insurance. But not in every country the health care is free or compulsory.
Lot is very curious about the situation of health care in your country.
Once you have collected background information about health care in your own hometown, we ask your group to interview five people that work in the health care sector. Of course, it is also possible to work in subgroups.
You may design the interview all by yourself and present it in the wiki in the way you like best. (think of a text, photos or a video)
In the interview at least pay attention to the following topics:
How are the healthcare facilities organized?
What happens to uninsured people who are ill? (is it different for children?)
What part of the income of the families in your group is spent on medical costs?
What could be improved to make health care better accessible for children?
If during the challenge phase students come up with additional questions they would like to ask to their fellow students, we welcome them to post their questions.
Yet, remember that asking for "facts and figures" stimulates students to just Google the answer. Values, opinions, interviews, ranking their findings will stimulate students to think critically. Please take into consideration possible cultural differences and post questions that are 'open' and initiate research.
Please post questions (and answers) to your Learning Circle partners onthis page….
Click on the button to go to your own challenge page
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