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Schoolpage Challenge 2 - The American Community School at Beirut, Lebanon

Page history last edited by cchalhoub@acs.edu.lb 10 years, 6 months ago

Please post your school/group contribution on this page.


Education and protection against child labour



Topic 1:

We have started our research into child labor in Lebanon.  Please find below the links to some of our work so far...

The importance of education Liana Sasha Nadim Alexandra.docx The importance of education Liana Sasha Nadim Alexandra.docx  

ResearchaboutChildLabor Andrew Lina Samar Hadi.pdf

DeclarationRightsofachild-NNA.docx DeclarationRightsofachild-NNA.docx

Child Labour- Safi Mark Aneese Danny.pptx




Students were very interested in the topic of local child labor.  They interviewed one company manager, and researched additional information on the internet.  Please find below links to their work.

Andrew-Samar-Hadi-Lina-Fruits and Veggies.pptx

Liana-Alexandra-Sasha-Nadim Starbucks.pptx

Safi-aneese-Mark-Danny-Child Labor - tobacco.pptx

Comments (1)

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 7:13 pm on Apr 20, 2014

Dear participants,
thanks for very detailed outcomes of your research in Challenge 2 phase.It describes the situation with the child labor in Lebanon very good.

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