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Comments (3)
Bob Hofman said
at 4:38 pm on Mar 31, 2014
Dear Mrs. Ann and Students, thanks so much for your contributions and cartoons... what a great way to express!
Regarding the information shared via uploaded files; please understand that several school have a policy that forbids students to download files...
Which means that they will not see the work done by your students!! Please save pdf files as jpg images and upload worddocuments in the wiki as wikpages.
Then <cut and past>the content from the new created page on to the already existing school page (this one)... so all participants enjoy your work.
With spring greetings from Holland, Bob
Natasha Cherednichenko said
at 3:13 pm on Mar 30, 2014
Dear participants,
thanks for the great way of reflecting the first topic.
Hope to see the interview results soon
Hendrik Karsodikromo said
at 8:16 am on Mar 29, 2014
That's a good start
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