
Sir Ernest MacMillan introduction page

Page history last edited by Ann Truong 10 years, 9 months ago




Hello everyone!  My name is Ms.Truong and I am teaching grades 7 and 8 students at Sir Ernest MacMillan Sr. Public School, Scarborough, Ontario.  I came from Vietnam when I was 9 years old with my mom, dad, brother, and two sisters.  It was a very difficult journey as I had to learn how to speak English, but I was determined to learn as much as possible and to work hard for a better future.  I went to Ryerson University to get my Bachelor of Science degree and finally to University of Toronto for my teaching qualifications.  I can't believe I have been teaching for 15 years.  I love every minute of it!  I am currently teaching grade 8 English (8F and 8X) and Library to the entire school.  Each year, I am so fortunate to work with approximately 400 students; hoping to inspire them to read and encourage them to perseverance to attain their goals.  Did I mention, MacMillan is the best school in Canada?  There are so many clubs and teams for students to join where they can make new friends while organizing fun events like school dances, movies and learn how to help others and the world.  Our school is like their "home away from home".    The administration and staff are very dramatic, supportive and enthusiastic.    We are like one big family.  I am very lucky this year to have two amazing English classes 8X and 8F.  They say I give them too many assignments but they are exceeding the challenge and learning to meet deadlines.  8F and 8X are in a French program, so they study many of their subjects in French.  Some of them enjoy chatting with each other, eating junk food, reading, listening to music, watching movies, and music videos, playing video games and various sports like skating, running, soccer, volleyball, baseball, basketball, cricket, badminton, and of course hockey.  Canada is an amazing country!  Yes, we have lots of snow but it is tons of fun to play in it.  My daughter Joanne is 6 years old and we are both learning how to ski.  Of course, she is better than I am.  In the summer, we go swimming and I enjoy gardening and especially reading.  I am currently reading the third book of the Hunger Games “Mockingjay”.  


This is a video one of our students did on our community, and hopefully it better helps you guys to understand and visualize the community we live in. Enjoy!

global teenager community video intro hd.mp4



Here is 8F's Introduction to Canada:




Below is a powerpoint about 8F's class:

GTP Class PPT.pptx


Our country, Canada:




Spring! https://www.wevideo.com/hub/#media/ci/172722445


Summer! https://www.wevideo.com/hub/#media/ci/172722473


Autumn! https://www.wevideo.com/hub/#media/ci/172721925


Winter! https://www.wevideo.com/hub/#media/ci/172721877


The participants (8X) : (scroll towards the right to see the full pictures!)


Leon_'s Intro


Gobisans Intro


Carries IntroGTP intro (1).pub  


DanQi Intro.pub


Genya Intro Global Teenager


Shiyannie Intro.MOV


Anna Intro.MOV


Ali Intro.wmv


Erin's Intro: intro.pub


Tracy's Intro: https://www.wevideo.com/hub/#media/ci/172276945 <-- VIDEO

                     http://www.wordle.net/show/wrdl/7708744/GTP <-- WORDLE 


Lion's Intro: http://animoto.com/play/sRZqrPjbpVG549rQOPP0nQ


Anjali's Intro: http://animoto.com/play/BVk8dHj2HlwexUVpqh4nYQ 


Sahar's Intro: http://animoto.com/play/6MDdHP5xpG4RnwWosgy2Gw


Nadeem's Intro: http://animoto.com/play/1ICp5mkAGbfPGrIftHG8NA


Kelly's Intro: http://studio.stupeflix.com/v/f9Maeoca5C/?autoplay=1


Preetha's Intro: http://flipagram.com/f/dJORrIbevS

Hi my name is Preetha! I'm 14 and I'm in grade 8. I love playing sports especially HOCKEY!!!!!! I play a variety of sports. I love animals and I have a pet dog. And many people call me a tomboy! Hope you enjoy my Flipagram.


Rameez's Intro:

Hi, my name is Rameez. I enjoy playing hockey, cricket, baseball and video games. I love to eat and I am a die hard fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs. GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!! I am looking forward to learning about your countries and I am looking forward to meeting you all. This will be a great success!!!



Descriptions: Top left corner= that is the view of the skyline of Toronto, with the famous CN tower, the tallest building in the picture, right in the middle. Top right corner= this is a panoramic photo of the Air Canada Centre, home of the Toronto Maple Leafs, the Toronto Raptors and what you see in the picture, the Toronto Rock, the official lacrosse team of Toronto. Not the official stadium where they play though. Middle= Here is a view of one of the many streets in Toronto, Kennedy Road. Bottom Left= here is a picture of the tree that is coated with ice. Yes, it may lol pretty, but the situation for the people was horrible. This was the ice storm that hit Toronto during December. Many residents lost power during this storm. It was like living in a jungle. No power, no nothing. Bottom right= now we will head east from Toronto to Montreal, a popular city in Quebec. It is home to the Olympic Stadium, the stadium that was used in the 1976 Olympics, in Montreal. It's curved tower is one of the longest curved towers in the world. There is an elevator on the tower that take you up to the top of the tower, where you can get an amazing skyline view of Montreal.


Sowmija's Intro:



Eden's Intro:


Hi, my name is Eden, I am 13 years old and go to Sir Ernest Macmillan Sr.P.S.  I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  I have an older brother that is 14 years old in grade 9.  I like  running, swimming and playing other sports like volleyball where I have achieved many of my awards.  Some of my hobbies are dirt trail and long distance biking and playing the alto saxophone.  I also like cars and watching races because it is very exciting. I hope to learn a lot of new things about the global teenager project and all of the other countries.   


Ivy's Intro: 



Waziha's Intro:




Comments (6)

Yvette Duppen said

at 8:20 am on Apr 24, 2014


It looks fantastic! Very creative! We're looking forward to see the rest of your challanges :)

Montessori College

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 7:14 am on Apr 2, 2014

Dear participants,
thank you for the updating introduction page. We are impressed with your creativity

Eliane Metni said

at 7:08 pm on Mar 11, 2014

Thank you for a lovely introduction and for the video

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 7:44 pm on Mar 1, 2014

Dear friends,
You are so dedicated to your school. Will be great to see some pictures of your group.

cchalhoub@acs.edu.lb said

at 1:44 pm on Feb 28, 2014

Nice to meet you, and looking forward to meeting your students further down the road! Contrary to you guys, we missed out on our ski season this year - we didn't get enough snow - it must have all gone to Canada! ACS Beirut

Bob Hofman said

at 9:25 pm on Feb 21, 2014

Yes, well done Mrs. Ann Truong, làm thế nào bạn - I hope I remembered right ... ;-)
We are very happy to have you and your students from Sir Ernest MacMillan Sr. Public School in the Lot Children's Rights Learning Circle!!

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