Schoolpage Challenge 1 - Liceul Teoretic 'Nicolae Iorga’


Please post your school/group contribution on this page.


The right to good food, clean water and health care.



Topic 1:


Too much money spent on too manz impressive buildings and too little care for the food thrown in the dust bins for the poor children/people.  

Topic 2:


1.  How are medical facilities organised  ?

2.  What happens to uninsured people who are sick? Is it  different for children?

3.  What part of your families income is spent on medical expenses?

4.  What should be done for a change?



1.  Medical facilities are organized in various sections: internal, surgery, gynecology.

2. Uninsured people who get sick do not benefit for assistance and free medical care, they  must pay.

3. Part of the monthly family income go on medication, and some data on insurance - about 16% of the parents’ income.

4. More funds or changing attitudes would be a solution .


Medical  Assistant

1. Hospitals are responsible organised according to the patient and depending on the environment in which they live: Town, county and university.

2. Emergency assistance and allowence to sit inside the hospital 24 hours without paying services in the case of very sick people is provided. In children’s  case, the situation is different because pediatrics is one of the best departments of hospitals.

3. Since I'm a medical assistant, I  do not  spend much  on medical expenses.

4. To make a change in the medical system in our country, there should be allocated more money from the budget to the hospitals.




 1. Medical facilities are organized in university hospitals, nursing homes, hospital clinic for patients with chronical diseases.

2.  Uninsured people have all preventive services for all emergency services and the services included in the national health programs. To the insured, have drawbacks because they are entitled in addition to a wider range of curative services. It is different  in children’s case because they give more importance to pediatrics

3. I don’t know that, I didn’t asked my parents, but I think it’s not very much, because we try to keep us strong and healthy by practicing sports and eating healthily.

4. To make a change, it would be better to have  more support from the government, and the budget should be more carefully managed.



 1. The medical facilities are divided in more sections for all the categories.

2. The sick people who don’t have medical insurance are forced to pay by their own hospitalization and medication and for children, this thing is free till 18 years old.

3. In my family 20% of our income is spent on medical expenses.

4. There should be allocated more funds to the hospitals in our country.