
Schoolpage Challenge 1 - Anton Residaschool

Page history last edited by Hendrik Karsodikromo 10 years, 9 months ago


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The right to good food, clean water and health care.



Topic 1:















The healthcare facilities are good and expensive but it can be better. Uninsured people have to pay cash but not everybody can afford it.

The children from 0-16 and 60+ of age have to get a B.Z.R.S. card which stands for basic care insurance from the government.


People can’t pay the doctor because they are only waisting their money to have fun. The healthcare for children is free .

They only have to get their medicine on time. To stay healthy you can get more information ,awareness about healthy food, healthy life and doing sport.


To enable change , more information should be given . It should be accesible and free for everybody and people should take healthcare more seriously.

Comments (4)

Yvette Duppen said

at 8:29 am on Apr 24, 2014

Wow, beautifull pictures!

Natasha Cherednichenko said

at 3:00 pm on Mar 30, 2014

Dear participants,
thank you for the work posted. Your drawings explain how all around the world can support each other in right to have good food, water. Well done!

Hendrik Karsodikromo said

at 8:13 am on Mar 29, 2014

Thank you, more information will be continued

Betty Burgos said

at 6:18 pm on Mar 28, 2014

Nice drawings about the rights!

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