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Schoolpage introduction - Lyceum25

Page history last edited by nvk25 10 years, 6 months ago





On this page you can tell us something about your hobbies and preferences. We would also like to know what is special about you!

As a teacher you can tell about your profession, background and experience; remember to tell us what is unique and special about your country, community, school, yourself and your class.


The more creative your intros are, the more engaging it is for everyone in the wiki. Of course you can add photos, drawings or videos as well. Or take a look at the Cool Tools Wiki to find another creative way to get to know your group and the participants! 



My school:

Teacher’s Letter

Hellow dear partners,                                                                                                                             

Glad to meet you. Let me introduce myself. I am Tatyana. I’m a teacher of English at the Lyceum 25. I live in Kirovograd, Ukraine. Our town is situated in the center of Ukraine. It’s not very large, the population is about 250 thousand people, but it’s green and beautiful.

As to our school it’s very big and there are more than 1 thousand students. I’ve been working at the Lyceum for many years. I love my job very much. There are a lot of brilliant students here. A great deal of our students are interested in studying foreign languages: English and German. A lot of them speak English fluently. They take parts in different competitions and contests and often become winners.                                                                                                                             

Our students go in for sports and dancing. We have a great sport event at school. It was at the very beginning of the school year. Students of different age took part in various competitions. The governer of the region came to us and encouraged and supported the participants. It was really a great holiday! Everyone enjoyed it.                                                                                        

We have a famous Dancing Club called “Svitanok” Many students attend it. The Club has a lot of awards of different levels: Ukrainian and International. Our Intellectual Team is the best in the town. We have a lot of great qualified teachers at the Lyceum. They also win different awards in professional competitions. They all give good knowledge to the students, great part of our students enter Higher Educational Establishments and get prestigious professions.

As for me I’m married and have two grown up children and grandchildren. I love them very much. I work much so I don’t have free time for some hobbies, but I try to find time for reading, going to the theatre. I adore theatre. I also like gardening in spring and summer. I like to meet my friends and to have guests. It’ a great pleasure to receive guests. Unfortunately I always experience a lack of time.

I’ll be glad to hear something about you. I’m looking forward to you letters.




The participants: 

Students’ Letter

Dear friends,

We’re glad to greet you. We would like to know about you, as much as possible. And now a few words about  ourselves.

We’re students of the eighth form. We study   at the Lyceum #25. We try to be good students, though sometimes we get good marks.  But are sure that our  knowledge is good because we have the best teachers . Our school is considered to be the best one and all the school-leavers have enough knowledge to enter different universities and Academies. Our teachers do their best to prepare us for the future. Our students  win a lot of prizes at the Olympiads of different levels  in different subjects every year.

But we not only study, but have our leisure-time  too. We have a lot of extra out-of –school activities. There are a lot of different clubs and sports sections. Many of us attend them. There is a great dancing group, called “Svitanok”. They take part in different concerts, competitions and often win them. We also have a group of folk-singers. Their concerts are really great. We have an Intellectual League of smart students. They know much interesting and compete with similar teams from different schools.

Besides, all of us have different hobbies like doing sports, playing musical instruments, singing, drama, dancing, travelling, taking photos and many others. Learning foreign languages is very important for us too. We study English and German at school and dream of travelling abroad.

You see we have many activities at school. Besides a lot of our students study at Musical schools, Sport schools, Art schools.

We hope, it’s interesting for you to get some information about our school life and out-of school activities.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,







Comments (4)

Yvette Duppen said

at 8:28 am on Apr 24, 2014

And, we would like to add that you're school sound wonderfull! Especially the danceclasses, Wow!
We wish you all the luck and hope everything will be al lot better in Ukraine vey soon, so that you all can just concentrate on school, friends and growing up.

Thanks for the infrmation!

Montessori College

Yvette Duppen said

at 8:10 am on Apr 8, 2014

we want to see a photo off your students en photos of your school

Eliane Metni said

at 6:55 pm on Mar 11, 2014

Hello Tatyana and students from Ukraine,
I echo Bob's word and appreciate your participation in the circle when the situation in your country is so challenging. I was curious to know more about your city and school as well. Thank you for the information

Bob Hofman said

at 9:16 pm on Feb 19, 2014

Dear friends in the Ukraine,
We advocate Learning Circles as an excellent way to teach and learn actively and right in the middle of our 21st Century world.
We say, as partners of iEARN, education is learning with the world, not learning just about it.
For several evenings we see the 8 o'Clock news and learn about the human tragedy happening in Ukraine, 29 people killed in Kiev last night
As friend, as fellow educator I just would like to send you our very best wishes and warmest friendship.
We cannot stop the pain, people being hurt and children being afraid and unsafe.
Just close my eyes and pretend nothing is happening and continue with nice circle work is……. no words.
It is my deepest wish that there once will be a generation of leaders that see richness in diversity and harmony.
We see you, we hear you and we are with you…. With love from all of us, Bob Hofman.

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