

Page history last edited by Manon van Herwijnen 10 years ago



© JFA/VanVeen/Siepermann

Welcome to the


Lot Children's rights LC8


Learning Circle Wiki  



 Twitter mee: 




Who is Lot?

Hey everyone!


My name is Lotte Roos. They call me Lot.

The meaning of the word 'Lot' is 'Fate' in English.

My father was born on the isle of Curaçao and my mother is from Holland. 

My father is a cargo pilot and my mother a grade 7 school teacher. 

Occasionally I join my father on a trip. I meet children all over the world. They tell me funny, nice or nasty stories. Sometimes I film these with my cellphone. I also take photos. I like to be with my grandfather too. He makes jokes and tells stories. I share these stories with the world via YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. In this way I want to show children's rights through their own eyes. In the months ahead we will enjoy a journey together! You can follow me on: www.lotroos.nl


Additional information: The story of Lot and meaningful learning.


Type your school name if you want to Skype with other schools in this Lot Learning Circle. 

You can also specify a date:


  • Lotschool from Childvillage - Neverland - Tuesday 1st of April 2014 (example)
  • Joshua Creek School in Oakville Canada - Any date that can be arranged before the end of the project.  
  • Your schoolname - Town - Country - date

Yippee!! I’t’s ready....the Lot Roos Newsroom on Cartoon Movement.com -->

Cartoonists around the world can view the work of our students from the Children's Rights Learning Circles and select the best, most beautiful, most moving, most special of those cartoons .... cartoonists make their version. That's exciting!!


NEWS!! -> On April 8th the first cartoons/drawings of Lot's students are already an inspiration for cartoonists

With these cartoons your ideas reach a much larger audience. 

Here you can follow all the news and creations: Page about Lot's Newsroom on Cartoon Movement.


And this is where you can find the results after voting for the best 4 cartoonsCartoons



Click the page with Tweets about Lot    



Click the page with Facebook messages about Lot










Phase 6 - Evaluation


Dear all,


After a wonderful learning adventure of nearly four months, our journey with Lot in the Learning Circle ends this week.

Thank you for all your wonderful work, sharing, collaboration and learning together!


The evaluations make it clear that the students and teachers enjoyed the Circles very much.

But there are also some things we can improve ... So, on behalf of Lot, for all those tips and tops we say: thank you!

During the summer we will start preparing new adventures of Lot. We will surely keep you informed about these Learning Circles that start in February 2015.


Also on behalf of Saskia Klomps, Menno van Hasselt, Manon van Herwijnen, we wish you good luck in the last weeks of this school year. 

We hope you will enjoy a great summer.


Many greetings to all, 

Bob Hofman, Project coordinator Lot Learning Circles.

Natasha Cherednichenko, Learning Circle Facilitator.










Overview Learning Circle 'Children's Rights' 2014 - Phase 6

Land School   

Phase 1 Introduction

Phase 2

Challenge 1

Phase 3

Challenge 2

Phase 4

Challenge 3

Phase 5


Phase 6 Evaluation


1. Anton Resida school voor MULO


2. Carmel College Salland







3. Montessori College Arnhem






 Canada 4. Joshua Creek Public School







 Canada 5. Sir Ernest MacMillan
 Lebanon 6. The American Community School at Beirut 02-03  28-03
7. Lyceum25 28-02  27-03
8. Liceul Teoretic 'Nicolae Iorga’ 22-02
    On time     Little bit late   More than a week late            

* A date in the overview means a school completed the phase/ placed text. The color of the date indicates if it was placed in time, little bit late, 1 one week late or placed in the wiki more than a week late.

* A X in the overview means a school dit not place date in the wiki. The color of the X indicates if a school is little bit late, more than a week late with placing their information on the Wiki.



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