
Challenge 3 - part one - research

Page history last edited by Manon van Herwijnen 10 years, 10 months ago




 part one - research


On Monday morning April 21st the third challenge will appear in the wiki.

Until Sunday May 4th your group can do research and add their contributions

on your school challenge page in the wiki.

(Schools from Holland, Suriname and Curacao will have longer 2-3 week breaks)

Try to be as creative as possible with text, video, photos, tools or Social Media. 

Look closely at the contributions of the other students in your Circle. 

Also discuss in your group the similarities and differences in the answers.


The second part of Challenge 3 will be a peer learning assignment

in one ‘peerScholar / Cogneeto global Classroom’. 





Lot often sees and hears stories of children who live in fear. 

Children who do not have a safe home, or even live in war. 

Can you imagine never being able to play safely in the street?


Article 27 of the United Nations Children's Rights Charter

says that all fathers and mothers should care for their children. 

But this cannot or does not always happen. 

In many countries, countless children are living on the streets.




Task 1:

Questions and Research:


'Feeling safe'

Discuss deeply with each other:


  • Where and when do you feel completely safe? 
  • Are there circumstances that make you feel unsafe?


- Create a three-dimensional piece of art that symbolizes peace and security for you.

  Please make this together in a small or larger group.

- Present your creation in the wiki with a description, photos, video or in any other way you choose.



Task 2:



Every child has the right to be protected and feel safe.

This is not the case in every part of the world; in more than 30 countries children live in a war or deal with the consequences of a war. 


Read this story and carefully discuss it with your group members:


The road 

It is still early when Paola gets out of bed. She washes and dresses quickly. 

When she is finished, she sees that the others are already there. Not only her two sisters and mother, but also the other children and women are sitting at the big table in the house where they now live. 


Paola and her younger sister have to leave at 7:30 am, to go to school. They have to watch the roads very carefully, because of the landmines that can be anywhere. 


The bang 

Three years ago, the sisters lost their father in an accident with a landmine. They were all walking home, coming back from the market. Suddenly there was a big bang ... Paola remembers that there was an enormous cloud of dust. Her father did not survive the explosion.
The pain of their wounds is gone now, but the feeling of missing remains. 



Paola now lives in this house with women and children who all have had to cope with sad experiences and circumstances like this. They get help with their problems and questions. Through UNICEF they also get monthly financial support.  





There are countries in which many people live for years in a civil war or where neighbouring countries are in conflict.

Different groups are fighting each other to obtain power and control the country. 

Sometimes there are armed struggles and tensions are high. 


Please take a look at this site:





After looking at these websites, you'll continue to study the situation in one of the conflicted countries.

You can also divide the class into groups and choose several countries. 


1. Explain what the causes of the conflict that you studied are:

  • What was the reason for the conflict?

  • Which parties are involved?

  • What is the present situation? 

Mention the sources you used (name, organisation, URL). 


2. What are the consequences for the children in that country or region ?


3. Write a letter to the governments or leaders of the involved parties in the conflict:

  • The letter is an invitation to participate in a peace conference; try to link it to article 27 of the Children's Rights Charter.
  • Put yourself in the position of the conflicted parties. What arguments could you write in the letter to convince all the parties to take part in the peace conference?


Discuss how you can present your research in the wiki.

  • Try to post your contributions directly on the pages in the wiki, on your school pages.
  • (At some schools, students cannot download files)


Additional questions and answers.

If during the challenge phase students come up with additional questions they would like to ask to their fellow students, we welcome them to post their questions.

Yet, remember that asking for "facts and figures" stimulates students to just Google the answer. Values, opinions, interviews, ranking their findings will stimulate students to think critically. Please take into consideration possible cultural differences and post questions that are 'open' and initiate research.

Please post questions (and answers) to your Learning Circle partners on this page




Anton Resida School voor MULO
Carmel College Salland
Montessori College Arnhem
Joshua Creek Public School

 Sir Ernest MacMillan
 The American Community School at Beirut
Liceul Teoretic 'Nicolae Iorga’



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